
我特別喜歡的一首Mattis & Maia
可能是合唱團訓練出來的老毛病又犯了 忍不住聽這首歌的合音
Mattis & Maia

Mattis & Maia

She found you on MySpace today
Sent a message wondering if you were okey
When she listened to the harmonies
Something behind her heart wanted to keep what´s left of you

She waited for hours and than,
You replied with a short ”this is the end”
No tears were running until
Something behind her heart wanted to kill what´s left of you
Though she´s dreamin of you, and maybe

Mattis and Maia go travelling again
Maybe to another state or maybe to Japan
It might be warmer there, it might be prettiier,
It might be easier, definetely quieter
Somewhere else

He closed his eyes as he fell
All things he didn´t write but wanted to tell
He listened to her songs
And something behind his heart knew it would come
Straight back again
But this isn´t the end
And maybe
Mattis and Maia go travelling again…

日瑞混血的 Maia Hirasawa,在唱片發行之前,已經有過豐富的表演經驗。他曾在許多樂團裡唱歌,參予演出,目前在同廠牌下的 hello saferide擔任合音和暖場演出。 Maia不僅受過爵士訓練演唱,更擁有英式搖滾的背景。 07年四月,終於發行了第一張個人專輯── 「though, I'm just me 」。

一如專輯的設計,「 though, I'm just me」給人的感覺十分亮眼。音符好像變成黑色的潑墨,在桃紅色的背景裡不斷跳舞。 Maia Hirasawa特別的嗓音,不只有著花草系民謠的溫柔,還有搖滾主唱的嘹亮穿透力,時而挾帶著淡淡的爵士慵懶。歌聲中最讓人喜歡的就是那種堅強的自信,還有一點點女孩子的神經質和愛幻想的特質。如主打歌 「 And I found this boy 」,大聲宣佈自己的喜悅,在眾人熱鬧的和聲中,心情忍不住也跟著耀動起來!有著兒歌特質的「Mattis & Maia 」,在單純美好的情感描述想起小時候的玩伴。 「 Gothenburg」訴說著對一個城市的矛盾心情,圓舞曲般的小調,隨著舞動的身體,讓心情瞬間好了起來。

在「 though, I'm just me」裡面, Maia除了創作所有的詞曲之外,還擔任整張專輯的製作,一手包辦所有錄製過程,其中使用的樂器多半也是 Maia自己。還請來了許多好朋友樂團幫忙助陣,如瑞 典當紅樂團Vapnet ,丹麥葛萊美獎得主Sekten ,以及兩位弦樂重奏,賦予專輯更多音樂色彩和活潑元素。

不時出現的熱鬧合聲,銅管和弦樂的交錯,孩子嬉戲笑鬧的天真唱遊,一幅美好的樂園景象躍然跳出, Maia坦率直接的唱腔,卻隱含著細膩的情緒起伏,堅強率真的用因歌曲來面對一切。 如果音樂真的有顏色的話,那Maia 必定永遠都是亮色系的代表,她的歌聲像是一剤有效的抗憂鬱劑,為每個脆弱的心靈注入勇氣和能量。

Maia Hirasawa - Mattis and Maia (Södra Teatern)


Maia Hirasawa - My new friend


我就手也癢 心也好養
好痛苦 我想這就是毒癮發作的感覺吧= ="

喔 喔 還有 我喜歡這支MV
融合了怪誕和歡樂 我最喜歡相互衝突對立的事通通融合在一起了
Maia Hirasawa - And I found this boy

Maia Hirasawa - And I found this boy

We sat in the bus, driving around, running all over Sweden´s old towns
We spent so many hours travelling around, always searching in the lost and found.
Next city we arrived to there was another band and I immediately tried to find a man that I could love, at least for the night

And I found this boy, he knew my friends from home
But I swear I didn´t know for sure
That he knew all about John, and Martin and Jim and Tom.
Oh I wish I had not been here before

And we talked about life, we talked about time
We talked about me, while he was looking around
He was searching for something new and exciting,
while I was standing there right in front of him

And I found this boy...

And don´t say I´m desperate I´m not
Just trying to make my thoughts on something else than
the only one I want too much

And I found this boy, he had a girlfriend at home
But I swear I didn´t know for sure
and he said wait don´t go , can I walk you home, to your hotel or so
And I found this boy, he was drinking all night long
I wish i had not been here before


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