Jose Gonzalez,阿根廷裔瑞典人,民謠唱作新貴,其作品既表現出斯堪地內維亞半島特有的清甜民謠風情,又時不時的流露出隱性的西班牙式熱情。可以說,Jose Gonzalez 在最開始浮出水面的時候是非常紅的,無論是在他自己的國家,還是後來的歐洲以及美國。2000年在瑞典發行了首張個人專輯《Veneer》,大獲成功;2003年該張專輯引進英國發行,再度獲得成功;2005年引進美國,之後不久其中歌曲便出現在熱播電視劇和廣告中。2006年Jose Gonzalez推出了EP《Stay in the Shade》。近兩年來Jose Gonzalez最為人矚目的亮相是去年與Zero 7(聽歌)的合作,在他們的新專輯《The Garden》中獻唱多首歌曲,其中便有由Zero 7重新打造的復古電子版“Crosses”。應該說,這次合作是相當成功的,Jose Gonzalez醇厚的嗓音與Zero 7摩登而復古的電子情結踫撞出了火花。這不僅讓人們見識了Jose Gonzalez獨特嗓音的超強適配性,也讓那些一直關注他的人們開始對其個人音樂風格日後的走向產生了疑問。在那一年後的今天,Jose Gonzalez終於帶著闊別已久的全新個人專輯《In Our Nature》回到了人們視野當中。事實證明,他還是兩年前、或者七年前的那個Jose Gonzalez。

上段文字節自Jose Gonzalez:本世紀你最不能錯過的好聲音

Jose Gonzalez用平穩祥和的音調唱出他的音樂

Sony Bravia 在舊金山拍的廣告配樂

Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats

Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats 

One night to be confused
One night to speed up truth
We had a promise made
Four hands and then away

Both under influence
We had divine scent
To know what to say
Mind is a razor blade

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no

One night of magic rush
The start a simple touch
One night to push and scream
And then relief

Ten days of perfect tunes
The colors red and blue
We had a promise made
We were in love

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough

And you, you knew the hands of the devil
And you, kept us awake with wolf teeth
Sharing different heartbeats
In one night

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no

To call for hands of above
To lean on
Wouldn't be good enough
For me, no

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